Christian Counseling in Atlanta
PRoviding Support While you explore how to find connection and peace
You’re struggling with anxiousness, relationship issues, or a general sense of disconnection, and maybe you’re looking at Atlanta christian counseling.
Here’s what we DON’T do. We don’t preach to you. We don’t tell you what the bible has to say about your life or decisions. We don’t provide pastoral guidance, or even biblical advice. What we can do is support you in exploring how your spirituality impacts your life. AND, we aren’t limited to supporting people from a Christian perspective. We welcome all clients to explore their spirituality from whatever background they are coming from.
Now for what we CAN do. We can provide you support while you explore how spirituality plays a role in your circumstances. We can support you as you explore your beliefs, your relationships, and steps you want to take to find connection.
Maybe you’re struggling and you’re not sure how to move forward.
When you first found yourself struggling to connect with others, you blamed it on your demanding career and intense obligations. You believe in the power of hard work and having success to show for yourself. But you never imagined your life would turn out like this. That eventually, you wouldn’t be able to handle all of the high-powered pressure and that you’d need others to rely on. That your drive and ambition, qualities that have always earned you recognition, would stand in the way of you finding a support system. Or that each time you reached a new level of success you find yourself feeling more and more disconnected from those who are important to you. You didn’t imagine you’d be considering talking to an Atlanta Christian counselor, but here you are. And, it seems like a good idea.
Instead of feeling disconnected, you imagined sharing each milestone with your loved ones, growing closer together with each accomplishment.
You always knew a successful life required sacrifice. You expected some long hours, late nights, and juggling of your responsibilities. You could see yourself piecing bits of your life together and finding ways to make sure everyone was happy. And, you prepared to spread yourself a bit thin in order to make your and your loved ones’ dreams come true.
That’s not to say you thought balancing it all would be easy. You realize sometimes you’d have to make tough choices to be able to continue your path of achievement.
But what you didn’t expect was to never eat dinner in the same room with your partner unless that room was your office. You never knew how anxious you’d feel looking at your calendar trying to find time for everything you had to do. You had no idea how isolating it would be to strive for success. And, you certainly didn’t expect the impact a busy life would have on your priorities and your faith.
So here you are
Experiencing a life of worry, sadness, and stress.
You realized it the other day…
Your alarm went off like every other morning. You rushed to get ready for the day, ticking the tasks off the to-do list in your head. You grabbed your briefcase and your bagel and headed to the door only to see your partner’s care parked in the driveway. You glanced at the calendar on the fridge and only then realized it was Sunday. The weight of the Sabbath fell on your shoulders. You’d had no idea this was supposed to be a day of rest.
In a moment of clarity, you realized what you were doing – fueling an unhealthy habit that is keeping you from dedicating your time and energy to the people who really matter.
You thought:
“I can’t believe I’ve been spreading myself so thin.”
“I thought I was accomplishing things, but really I’m just isolating myself and those I love.”
“I wish I knew why I feel so much pressure to succeed.”
“I just don’t see a way to balance every aspect of my life.”
But when your guilt faded away, when your tears stopped flowing and you could finally think clearly, you admitted to yourself:
“I don’t think I can do this on my own anymore. I’m going to find support.”
You sincerely believe you can have it all, but when you really look at your situation
You haven’t been able to live an authentic life. It’s seemed too difficult to be vulnerable and admit you struggle to keep it all together. You’ve been anxious and dissatisfied a lot more than you ever thought you would be and you struggle to connect with your loved ones in a way that is natural and loving.
It’s painful to feel pulled in so many different directions. There is a lot riding on your shoulders to keep your faith strong, fulfill your obligations, and take care of everyone you love.
But the truth is, success doesn’t just come in one form, and you know an Atlanta Christian counselor would help you really see that. Having it all doesn’t have to mean stretching yourself too thin to be able to enjoy life. It’s a daily struggle to have ambition and desire an intimate connection with friends, family, and your spirituality. You’re not the only one wishing to find your purpose and find the ways to make it happen while still being close to those you love. You’re wanting to find the right professional who understands the roles your faith plays in your current circumstances.
You’re ready to move forward in a way that brings balance to your busy life and connection to your lonely heart.
How Atlanta Christian Counseling can help
You will learn how to find balance in your life
Your counselor can help you explore how spirituality fits in the picture
You will learn about developing healthier, more genuine connections to loved ones
You will learn to develop insight into approaching goals in a calmer, more inclusive manner and achieve them without alienating others
You will learn about how to rid yourself of the anxiety and stress that keep you from living a calm and content life
The Atlanta Christian Counseling Process
We’ll meet together weekly for 50-minute sessions. Typically, sessions last for several weeks, but we will work together to create a treatment plan to determine the duration of counseling.
To help individuals become more aware of their anxieties we utilize several evidenced-based therapy practices. These approaches focus on exploring negative thought patterns and setting boundaries so that they can integrate all aspects of their life (including spirituality) into a single happy existence. In Atlanta Christian counseling, we’ll work to explore things that serve as barriers to you reaching your full purpose in life, and ways you can work to overcome them and live in a more fulfilling and content way.
Here’s what to expect:
WEEK ONE: Intake
During this initial session, we define the therapeutic relationship and discuss the details of the therapy contract. We gather information about you, your family relationships, and your biological, social, and psychological history. We also discuss the goals you have and how to prevent the external pressures in your life from disrupting your faith.
WEEKS TWO And BEYOND: Atlanta Christian Counseling
During the remaining sessions of Christian Counseling, we will work on the goals you’ve set. Together we’ll explore ways to decrease anxiety, shame, and judgment. We will examine where God is present in your life, and ways you can make meaningful connections with him and your loved ones. In session, we will figure out what areas of life you’ve been neglecting, and how you can work to make the important things a priority.
More About Me
Hi, I’m Mikela, a Licensed Professional Counselor and founder of this counseling practic. I am invested in helping clients overcome the root causes of their anxieties and shame so that they can feel more comfortable connecting with others, and I’ve brought on other counselors who share my same passion. Click here to read more about the team.
It is our job to help clients know themselves better and get in touch with their purpose in the world, so they are satisfied with the decisions they are making, and the paths they are taking.
We also make it a mission to aid clients in connecting more deeply with people in their communities, at work, and with friends.
Who Benefits Most from Atlanta Christian Counseling
We work best for those who are ready to change their thought patterns, so they can have better relationships with the important people in their lives. Gaining insight into spirituality and anxiety helps individuals understand how they benefit from walking away from shame and fear. Our counseling helps you connect with how negative beliefs impact your anxiety and depression and keep you feeling dissatisfied with yourself and others.
You will benefit from Christian Counseling if:
- You feel overburdened trying to balance all areas of your life
- You need help discovering ways to balance your ambition, your relationships, and your spirituality
- You are tired of getting caught up in your chaotic lifestyle
- You are able to acknowledge the role you play in any unhealthy relationship dynamics
- You are ready to break free from the behaviors or thought patterns that continually jeopardize your relationship with your loved ones
- You want support in working through your difficult or traumatic past but need someone who understands it from a Christian perspective
There are certain situations in which Christian Counseling with me might not be the best fit. These situations include, but are not limited to:
- You are looking for pastoral guidance
- You are not ready to explore the many layers of your anxiety, sadness, and isolation
- You are currently addicted to illegal substances
What Does Christian Counseling Cost?
We do not currently work with insurance companies.
In the meantime, we can work together to explore payment options such as Flexible Spending Accounts, Health Service Accounts, and Out of Network insurance benefits.
Christian Counseling at our practice is fee-for-service at the rate of $200 per session with Mikela Hallmark, and $195 per session for all other team members. We accept all major methods of payment.
Your Next Steps
It is possible to have positive, healthy relationships with important people in your life and achieve the goals you set for yourself while maintaining your spirituality. It is possible to heal from a painful past, or thinking that’s rooted in perfectionism. You can reach the levels of success you desire and have a strong connection to your friends, family, and faith.
Just because you face some external pressures in your life, does not mean that you cannot form meaningful connections with those around you.
You’ll be able to live your life without feelings of pressure, worry, and sadness. You’ll be able to truly explore yourself and your purpose without alienating others. Ultimately, you’ll have the peace of knowing your relationships with God and your loved ones are strong enough to allow you to achieve success.
To schedule an appointment for Christian Counseling call 678-744-7347.