Helpful Articles
I was married to a narcissist, how do I heal? – Comments from an Atlanta therapist
You were married to your spouse for years, and are just starting to pick up the pieces from a difficult divorce by seeing an Atlanta therapist. When you first got married, you just thought of them as a go-getter. A high achiever that wanted what they wanted, and knew...
Couples therapy in Atlanta – The best questions to ask to find The right one for you
You've been struggling to connect in your relationship lately. You're just not sure where the spark went and you find yourself avoiding conversations because everything turns into a fight. Still, you know that there's a lot of love between you and you'd like to...

My Relationship is at it’s worse, now what? – Comments from an Atlanta couples counselor
Your relationship started out amazing. You had lots of fun together, you laughed together, it just made sense to be together. And yet over the years something has shifted. You're realizing you just can't quite figure out how to connect with eachother. You're arguing a...
It’s a New Year, now what? – Comments from an Atlanta Counselor
Bringing in the new year can be an exciting time for many, but for some it brings anxiety and a sense of fear. It can feel like you're supposed to have accomplished more or done more, and now you're looking back at the year and thinking "Where did all the time go?...
I’m a Leader, Entrepreneur, CEO…I’m Anxious and I’ve Got to Figure it Out – by an Atlanta Counselor
Leadership can be so reward, and so invigorating. But it is also complex and can be isolating, confusing, and anxiety provoking. As an Atlanta counselor many of the CEO’s, entrepreneurs, and leaders that I work with have the honor and responsibility of driving the...
I’m in My Late 20’s and I’m Struggling. Why Is This So Hard, I should Be Happy. – An Atlanta counselor Responds
If you’re in your late 20’s and you are struggling. You’re not alone. Our Atlanta counselors meet with a lot of you and there’s a theme here. You’ve had the incredibly difficult journey of going through very formative years during a pandemic. If we think back on all...
Don’t Talk About Mental Health – No, Let’s Definitely Talk About it – Atlanta Counselor Insights
I see a lot of high achievers in my Atlanta counseling office, and one thing is often true. They don’t talk about their own mental health. They’re used to achieving, going at things alone, being highly competent, and having all the answers. And yet as an Atlanta...
Mental Health Day – An Atlanta Counselor Comments
Wondering what world mental health day is? As an Atlanta counselor, I love that we have this day and I figured I'd take some time to share about the 2024 mental health day theme, and what we can do to spread awareness about mental health. World Mental health day is an...
I’m Going Through a Divorce and I never Thought This Would Happen, What Do I Do? – Thoughts from an atlanta counselor
Your marriage started with all of the joys and sparkle that could make anyone swoon. You laughed together, you dreamed together, you were great. This is how many stories start in my Atlanta counseling office.But then, life happened. You got busy, your career went...
Navigating my crazy family over the holidays
As an Atlanta therapist it is so common to hear clients talk about the holidays and feel a mix of happiness and dread. Happy because the holidays can be full of celebration and novelty which ignites feel good chemicals in our bodies like dopamine. But there's the...