How can talking about my problems make them better? It’s a common question for our Atlanta Counselors.

And, we get why it’s asked. After all, when you talk to friends, it seems like it just stirs up all the pain and you never seem to get anywhere. So, why would it be any better with someone who doesn’t know you?

When it comes to seeing an Atlanta counselor, “talking about it” is so much more than just “talking about it.” It’s not just talking. It’s not advice or someone telling you what to do. In fact, counseling is a therapeutic process of exploration and growth that can take you from pain or distress to a place of peace. It involves talking, but also so much more.

Read on to learn more about how talking about it with an Atlanta counselor can be helpful.

A Safe Space

Counseling gives you a safe, private space where you can talk openly about your problems or anything else that may be stressful or bothersome. Some people seek counseling to deal with serious emotional issues. Other people come to counseling for a place to talk through whatever might be on their minds. Having a calm, safe place to think things though is soothing. Your counselor will listen and help you to develop a plan to confront whatever those issues might be.

A Degree of Separation

Part of the reason why talking with a counselor is different is because the counselor is not a friend or loved one. Friends and loved ones only know what you tell them about a problem that you may not even completely understand. Friends and loved ones want to support you and help you feel better. They are more likely to tell us what we want to hear or offer advice. A counselor’s role is not to give advice but to help you explore your issues and identify desired outcomes. It is this separation that allows you to build that all important counselor-client therapeutic alliance that is essential to a good therapeutic outcome.

A Deeper Perspective

Counseling is more than just, “How do you feel?” The process of counseling allows you to explore issues in a more expansive, deeper way. There’s even research to suggest that talking about feelings in this way has a positive effect on the brain resulting in more positive response to challenging situations. With guidance from your Atlanta counselor, you can go beyond what’s on the surface and look more closely at your issues and how they impact your well-being. With that knowledge, you can gain a better perspective on what’s happening and what you would like to do.

Work Towards Your Goals

Counseling is an ongoing process of growth. It is not a one-and-done activity. In sessions, your counselor listens as you explore your issues and helps you with a plan to address them. As you continue in counseling, you and your counselor will assess what’s working as well as what’s not working. Finding what doesn’t work is just as important so that you can work together to find solutions that work for you. As you’re working through, you’ll be learning new ways of coping with the issues that matter most to you.

You Are In Control…Always

This is an aspect of counseling that people often find surprising. After all, the counselor is the “expert”, right? Yes but while the counselor is your therapeutic guide, you ultimately decide where your journey takes you. Ideally, you are able to develop a collaborative relationship with your counselor and partner together as you work towards your goals. 

Having a counselor to guide you can get you on your path to healing. When you’re ready, find your Atlanta counselor and reach out.


University of California – Los Angeles. (2007, June 22). Putting Feelings Into Words Produces Therapeutic Effects In The Brain. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 15, 2021 from