Helpful Articles
What Helps Most Couples We See – Comments from An Atlanta Couples Counseling Practice
Have you ever wondered what the magic solution is for couples who go to couples counseling? Wondering what our Atlanta couples counselors tend to tell everyone we see? Curious what fixed your friends’ marriage when they were really struggling? I’ll go ahead and set...
If You’re Struggling in Your Relationship – There is Hope – Encouragement From an Atlanta Couples Counselor
Our Atlanta Couples Counselors see it often. You’ve been in this relationship for years on end, and at first, it was beautiful. It was magic. You just seemed to click. You enjoyed your time together, laughed often, and had a lot of fun. There was ease and joy, and...
We Don’t Connect Emotionally – Atlanta Couples counselor observations
As a couples counselor in Atlanta, I hear it all too often... "We just don't connect." Sitting in my office facing a couple that just started couples therapy with me, I see the frustration in their eyes. Often, the story goes that at the beginnin of their relationship...
I know I should stay calm, But I just can’t let go of the anxiety – An atlanta counselor comments
We've almost all experienced the pull of two parts of us. One that knows logically that we should do a certain thing, and another that just cannot do that healthy thing and instead needs to be anxious, angry, lazy, or engage in unhealthy behaviors like alcohol use or...
Turning Towards, Repairs, and Conflict with your spouse – Tips from an Atlanta couples counselor
In the middle of an argument my husband said 'We need to stop talking about this before I get really angry.' I was furious. How could he just cut me off like that? And what exactly is he insinuating? Am I supposed to be scared of his anger? I really wanted to go down...
I was married to a narcissist, how do I heal? – Comments from an Atlanta therapist
You were married to your spouse for years, and are just starting to pick up the pieces from a difficult divorce by seeing an Atlanta therapist. When you first got married, you just thought of them as a go-getter. A high achiever that wanted what they wanted, and knew...
Couples therapy in Atlanta – The best questions to ask to find The right one for you
You've been struggling to connect in your relationship lately. You're just not sure where the spark went and you find yourself avoiding conversations because everything turns into a fight. Still, you know that there's a lot of love between you and you'd like to...
My Relationship is at it’s worse, now what? – Comments from an Atlanta couples counselor
Your relationship started out amazing. You had lots of fun together, you laughed together, it just made sense to be together. And yet over the years something has shifted. You're realizing you just can't quite figure out how to connect with eachother. You're arguing a...
It’s a New Year, now what? – Comments from an Atlanta Counselor
Bringing in the new year can be an exciting time for many, but for some it brings anxiety and a sense of fear. It can feel like you're supposed to have accomplished more or done more, and now you're looking back at the year and thinking "Where did all the time go?...
I’m a Leader, Entrepreneur, CEO…I’m Anxious and I’ve Got to Figure it Out – by an Atlanta Counselor
Leadership can be so reward, and so invigorating. But it is also complex and can be isolating, confusing, and anxiety provoking. As an Atlanta counselor many of the CEO’s, entrepreneurs, and leaders that I work with have the honor and responsibility of driving the...