Helpful Articles

Surviving Divorce – Tips From a Woman for Women

Feeling like your heart has been ripped out? Like you don’t know who you are anymore? Like you have no identity? Feeling unsure of how to move past your divorce and actually live a full life? You’re not alone. Divorce can be devastating for women. Emotions can come...

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Ways to Become a Better Arguer

Arguing is like a science. In fact, there are ways to get really good at it. I know what it sounds like. And, no, I’m not talking about winning arguments…at least in the sense that you’re thinking of. But, if you implement these strategies it might be a win for your...

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EMDR Therapist in Atlanta – A Quick Explanation of EMDR

Ever wonder how you can work on your anxiety? Do you have this one bad feeling you just can't get rid of? Do you have a bothersome memory from childhood that you just can't get over? Do you struggle to make healthy decisions in life, but can't quite figure out why?...

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Why Do I feel So Fake? – Imposter Syndrome

Why Do I feel So Fake? – Imposter Syndrome

Ever feel like one day someone is going to walk in your office and fire you because they realized you’re horrible at your job? Do you wonder if people are going to realize you’re no good at being a mom? Do you sometimes think your friends only keep you around for one...

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Why Can’t I be that Successful?….Ever Compare?

I was driving through town the other day and I saw a beautiful home with an immaculate yard, and a fancy car in the driveway. I found myself admiring the home, but my thoughts went beyond admiring. I pictured the beautiful couple, their perfect children, and their...

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The Move to Atlanta

We've announced the big move! Our founder, Mikela has moved from Tampa, Florida to Atlanta, Georgia. This has been a big move for us, and we have worked to set our office up in the best possible way to give Tampa and Atlanta excellent counseling services. Mikela is...

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About Us

I'm Mikela Hallmark, founder of Rise Counseling in Atlanta. We love helping people figure out what’s driving discontent, anxiety, worry and disconnectedness. It is our joy to assist clients with overcoming barriers and finding peace, joy, and genuine connection with others.

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