Anxiety can be cruel and excruciating, as our Atlanta anxiety therapists know.  If the title of this blog caught your eye, you might be experiencing some of the following:

  • Nervousness
  • Insomnia
  • Ruminating or repeating thoughts
  • Excessive worry
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Avoiding situations, people, or places that make you feel anxious
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Physical symptoms like muscle tension, headaches, or digestive issues

This isn’t a comprehensive list.  If you’re reading this, you’re probably ready to get some help.  Your anxiety symptoms are starting to become unmanageable and you are desperately wanting to feel more control over thoughts, emotions, and physical responses.  On top of everything else, finding a therapist can feel overwhelming.  If you’re looking for Atlanta anxiety therapy, here are some things to note:

  1. Finding a Therapist

Therapeutic fit refers to the connection you might feel with a therapist, and it is the most important factor in the therapy hour. Does the therapist seem like someone you might be able to trust over time?  Do they keep the sessions focused on you?  Are they non-judgmental? 

Your therapist should also invite your questions and feedback.  If something isn’t working for you in therapy or you’re frustrated about something happening in therapy, your therapist needs to be made aware so that they can adjust. 

2. Different Anxiety Treatments

There are many different treatment options for your Atlanta anxiety therapy. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy



Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (a trauma therapy)

-Exposure and Response Prevention

Your therapist should be checking in with you.  If something doesn’t feel right or that it’s not a good fit for you, let them know!  There is usually another avenue to try.  

3. Commit to the Process

When you’re in the middle of an anxious experience, it can be really hard to remember you may not feel better overnight.  Getting best results for your Atlanta anxiety therapy will likely require you to be active in your therapy outside of the therapeutic hour.  There may be new skills for you to practice, books or articles for you to read, or videos to watch. 

Anxiety can contribute to several different health conditions in addition to the discomfort you’re already experiencing. You don’t have to keep facing this alone. 

If you’ve been struggling with anxiety, know that Rise Counseling has experienced therapists who may be able to help.  Don’t wait any longer to get help.  Schedule an appointment today!