Okay, so we don’t always fight fair. Sometimes we get angry. We get ridiculous. We storm out… Let’s say we try to fight fair. Isn’t that how it is? In relationships we want to fight fair. We want it to end with both parties feeling happy and more deeply connected. We...
Being an Atlanta therapist is great, and I meet many couples that need help. Therapy can certainly do the trick. But I find that many couples walk into our Atlanta therapy office thinking that the therapist is going to fix one or the other spouse. The truth is, you...
Our Atlanta couples counselors know that committing yourself to a relationship can be the most rewarding and challenging thing you will ever do. Sometimes I feel that relationships bring out the best and the worst in us. If done right, relationships cause us to love,...
I'm Mikela Hallmark, founder of Rise Counseling in Atlanta. We love helping people figure out what’s driving discontent, anxiety, worry and disconnectedness. It is our joy to assist clients with overcoming barriers and finding peace, joy, and genuine connection with others.
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