Our Atlanta Couples Counselors see it often. You’ve been in this relationship for years on end, and at first, it was beautiful. It was magic. You just seemed to click. You enjoyed your time together, laughed often, and had a lot of fun. There was ease and joy, and...
As a couples counselor in Atlanta, I hear it all too often… “We just don’t connect.” Sitting in my office facing a couple that just started couples therapy with me, I see the frustration in their eyes. Often, the story goes that at the beginnin...
We’ve almost all experienced the pull of two parts of us. One that knows logically that we should do a certain thing, and another that just cannot do that healthy thing and instead needs to be anxious, angry, lazy, or engage in unhealthy behaviors like alcohol...
Bringing in the new year can be an exciting time for many, but for some it brings anxiety and a sense of fear. It can feel like you’re supposed to have accomplished more or done more, and now you’re looking back at the year and thinking “Where did...
If you’re in your late 20’s and you are struggling. You’re not alone. Our Atlanta counselors meet with a lot of you and there’s a theme here. You’ve had the incredibly difficult journey of going through very formative years during a pandemic. If we think back on all...
I see a lot of high achievers in my Atlanta counseling office, and one thing is often true. They don’t talk about their own mental health. They’re used to achieving, going at things alone, being highly competent, and having all the answers. And yet as an Atlanta...
I'm Mikela Hallmark, founder of Rise Counseling in Atlanta. We love helping people figure out what’s driving discontent, anxiety, worry and disconnectedness. It is our joy to assist clients with overcoming barriers and finding peace, joy, and genuine connection with others.
We provide a link here as a helpful tool for you. We do not ask clients to “like” or connect with us on social media, because we don’t have control of confidentiality on social media platforms. We post on our website simply to give you access to the content.