You’re starting to question if couples therapy even works. After all, you noticed your relationship was not going in the direction you had hoped. There is a disconnect, or maybe trust was broken. You decided to seek couples counseling in Atlanta because you were...
Trauma means different things to different people. The thing that stays the same among all people who survive trauma is this: Trauma changes the brain. The brain begins processing all data differently than it did before the traumatic event. It makes new...
You’ve always considered yourself a caring person, which seemed like a good thing. You’ve gone out of your way to show up for anyone by doing everything from helping financially to squeezing in time to chat with a hurting friend, even when you’re exhausted. Maybe...
The teen years are a time of extensive development, both in the body and in the brain. Watching your child begin to transition into an adult using their unique gifts and personalities can be extremely rewarding. However, those developmental changes may also bring...
Loneliness is piercing, painful, pervasive, and heavy. In the best of times, Valentine’s Day evokes mixed emotions. In a pandemic, it can easily highlight the difficulty of dating in the digital age and provoke feelings of sadness and hopelessness. This...
Christmas is touted as “the most wonderful time of the year” according to a popular carol. But for many people, Christmas feels awful and the holiday season feels dark. If you find yourself feeling down on Christmas, you’re not alone. Our Atlanta depression...
I'm Mikela Hallmark, founder of Rise Counseling in Atlanta. We love helping people figure out what’s driving discontent, anxiety, worry and disconnectedness. It is our joy to assist clients with overcoming barriers and finding peace, joy, and genuine connection with others.
We provide a link here as a helpful tool for you. We do not ask clients to “like” or connect with us on social media, because we don’t have control of confidentiality on social media platforms. We post on our website simply to give you access to the content.