You know it all too well. That voice inside of your head that tells you to push yourself. It tells you to achieve, to get it done, to do it right. You can hear it now as you’re reading this. You’re probably connecting with the feelings of pride and...
As an Atlanta therapist who has been in practice for over 13 years, I’ve found myself saying the same thing in various ways to many of my clients. There’s a pattern, a natural flow of thought, that many anxious or high performing high achievers experience....
Most athletes spend their whole childhood in a sport. They will play all year, travel, and make it a big part of who they are. Some of those athletes will make it to a professional level and some will not. What do you think happens to those athletes who put a lot on...
Could being a High Achiever actually be a sign of High Functioning anxiety? Well, that depends. As an anxiety therapist in Atlanta who works with high achievers, sometimes it can be challenging to spot the difference, especially since many people with High Functioning...
Not knowing how to deal with a panic attack can feel very scary. They can be very overwhelming and that feeling can cause more panic in us that we feel like we can’t control. Panic attacks can be sudden and can differ in how long they last but are usually brief. They...
Do you ever get really nervous before giving a presentation? Maybe you fumble over your words or feel a sudden wave of panic? Public speaking can certainly be anxiety-inducing- but it doesn’t have to be! As a therapist for high achievers, many of my clients are in...
I'm Mikela Hallmark, founder of Rise Counseling in Atlanta. We love helping people figure out what’s driving discontent, anxiety, worry and disconnectedness. It is our joy to assist clients with overcoming barriers and finding peace, joy, and genuine connection with others.
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